
***The Application for the Summer Internship Class of 2024 for Pennsylvania's 1st District is CLOSED***
Application for the Fall Internship Class of 2024 is OPEN and will be due by August 5, 2024
Session Application Deadline: Start Date of Internship End Date of Intership
Summer 2024 CLOSED May 15, 2024  August 23, 2024
Fall 2024 August 5, 2024 September 1, 2024 December 20, 2024
Spring 2025 December 9, 2024 January 3, 2025 May 1, 2025
Summer 2025 April 30, 2025 May 12, 2025 August 22, 2025




*As the Dates Can Change, Please Keep Checking Back Here For Any Updates*


Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick represents the First Congressional District of Pennsylvania in the United States House of Representatives and is a former Federal Bureau of Investigation Supervisory Special Agent and Special Assistant United States Attorney. To see more about Congressman Fitzpatrick's committee assignments and caucus memberships, click here.

Congressional internships are a great opportunity for student-constituents interested in the legislative process, public service and learning more about the inner-workings of our federal government.

Interns will join the Congressman’s staff in performing a variety of tasks in either the Langhorne District Office or the Washington DC Office;


Langhorne District Office Interns day-to-day responsibilities will include office work such as answering phones, writing letters and assisting with office organization. In addition, interns may be assigned to assist in various constituent case work or to work on projects of importance to our community. Interns will also be asked to engage in policy discussions and meetings pertaining to their areas of interest or study.


Washington DC Office Interns day-to-day responsibilities will include office work such as answering phones, helping with administrative work, and conducting Capitol tours. Interns will also attend hearings and events in support of the Congressman and staff. In addition, interns may assist staff in conducting legislative research and organization.  


For consideration, please submit the following to the Internship Coordinator for the Office you would like to Intern for:

1. Resume

2. Cover letter – this should include some kind of indication on your session preference (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer).

3. Writing Sample - For DO Internship, please reach out to the Coordinator for the Writing Prompt. For the DC Internship, please submit a writing sample from a recent academic course.

4. Two letters of recommendation – one from an academic advisor/instructor and one from a direct supervisor (i.e. coach, employer, community leader, organization moderator)


Please Submit all Documents (or if you have Questions) to:

The Office of Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick works hard to ensure that all interns maximize their opportunities. We recommend you contact your school counselor to see about the opportunity of receiving course credit and financial assistance in exchange for your internship.


Internship Check List:

 Cover Letter

  w/ Session Preference


 Updated Resume 


  Two Letter's of Rec


  Writing Sample