WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representatives Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1), Chrissy Houlahan (PA-6), Doug Lamborn (CO-5), and Abigail Spanberger (VA-7) announced their new legislation, Preparing Election Administrators for AI Act, which aims to reduce potential risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in elections. The bill directs the Election Assistance Commission, in consultation with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, to issue a report with voluntary guidelines to address the use and risks of AI technologies and cybersecurity risks in election administration, how information by AI technologies can affect the sharing of accurate election information and how election offices should respond. 

“With the growing potential for artificial intelligence to be utilized in elections and campaigns, it is essential that state and local officials are prepared and provided with the resources to keep the election process secure,” said Congressman Fitzpatrick. “I am proud to lead the bicameral, bipartisan Preparing Election Administrators for AI Act, which would require the federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to develop voluntary guidelines for election administrators on the uses and risks of artificial intelligence. We must continue, amidst technological advances, to ensure the public trust and the integrity of our elections are not compromised.”

"Ensuring the integrity of our elections is a shared responsibility that transcends party lines. With the rise of artificial intelligence, we must equip our election administrators with the necessary tools and guidelines to safeguard our democratic process. This bipartisan bill underscores our commitment to fair and secure elections by addressing the potential risks posed by AI, including misinformation dissemination and cybersecurity threats. By fostering collaboration and proactive measures, we can strengthen trust and confidence in our electoral system for the benefit of all Americans, regardless of political affiliation," said Congresswoman Houlahan.

“As artificial intelligence becomes more widely utilized across our country and around the globe — including by adversaries like Russia and the Chinese Communist Party, the United States needs clear guidelines to safeguard our elections systems against adversarial uses of AI. Americans need to have confidence in their vote — and our hardworking election officials need the tools and training necessary to navigate AI-related vulnerabilities in our election systems,” said Congresswoman Spanberger. “That’s why I’m proud to help introduce the Preparing Election Administrators for AI Act, which would strengthen our elections infrastructure, address the use and risks of AI technologies in election administration, and raise our defenses against bad actors. This bipartisan, bicameral legislation is an important step to guarantee the safety and security of our nation’s elections.”

Potential challenges posed by AI include the dissemination of misinformation, possible disruption of election infrastructure, perpetuating biases in voter targeting, and the manipulation of public opinion through automated accounts. By addressing AI's potential uses and risks to elections, the bill helps uphold the democratic process and fosters trust and confidence in elections for all political parties. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Susan Collins (R-ME) introduced a companion version of this bill in the U.S. Senate in March 2024. Senator Klobuchar is the chairwoman of the Senate Rules Committee with oversight over federal elections.

Read the bill here.