Additional information on votes taken in the House of Representatives can be found here on the House Clerk's website.
House Votes
Date | Question | Position | Result |
11/14/23 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended in the House H.R. 6363: Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024 |
Yea | Passed |
11/14/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 753 (Biggs) to H.R. 5894: To reduce funding for the Institute of Education Sciences by $707,372,000, and transfer the savings to the Spending Reduction Account. |
No | Failed |
11/14/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 752 (Biggs) to H.R. 5894: To reduce funding for the Higher Education Program by $2,767,239,000, and transfer the savings to the Spending Reduction Account. |
No | Failed |
11/14/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 751 (Biggs) to H.R. 5894: To reduce funding for the Student Aid Administration by $1,769,207,000, and transfer the savings to the Spending Reduction Account. |
No | Failed |
11/14/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 750 (Biggs) to H.R. 5894: To reduce funding for the Student Financial Assistance Program by $9.25 billion, and transfer the savings to the Spending Reduction Account. |
No | Failed |
11/14/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 746 (Good) to H.R. 5894: To reduce funding, by $28 million, for the for Minority AIDS prevention, and transfer the savings to the Spending Reduction Account. |
No | Failed |
11/14/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 741 (Mills) to H.R. 5894: To reduce the appropriated amount for the Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health to the FY19 appropriated amount. |
No | Failed |
11/14/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 739 (Rosendale) to H.R. 5894: To reduce funding for the John E. Fogarty International Center by $95,162,000. |
No | Failed |
11/14/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 738 (Good) to H.R. 5894: To transfer $524.4 million from the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities to the Spending Reduction Account. |
No | Failed |
11/14/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 737 (Good) to H.R. 5894: To transfer $10 million allocated for the Office of Diversity in Biomedical Research to the Spending Reduction Account. |
No | Failed |
11/14/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 726 (Miller) to H.R. 5894: To reduce funding for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration by $536,922,000 to $0. |
No | Failed |
11/14/23 |
On the Resolution in the House H.Res. 864: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5894) making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes. |
Aye | Passed |
11/14/23 | On Ordering the Previous Question: H.Res. 864: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5894) making appropriations for the Departments … | Yea | Passed |
11/13/23 | On Motion to Refer: H.Res. 863: Impeaching Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, for high crimes and misdemeanors. | Nay | Passed |
11/13/23 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass in the House H.R. 593: To rename the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in Hinesville, Georgia, as the “John Gibson, Dan James, William Sapp, and Frankie Smiley VA Clinic”. |
Yea | Passed |
11/13/23 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended in the House H.R. 1105: Debbie Smith Act of 2023 |
Yea | Passed |
11/9/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 722 (Tenney) to H.R. 4664: To prohibit funding to finalize, implement, or enforce the FAR Council's proposed "Federal Acquisition Regulation: Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate-Related Financial Risk" rule. |
No | Agreed to |
11/9/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 721 (Tenney) to H.R. 4664: To reduce the salary of White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to $1. |
No | Failed |
11/8/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 716 (Salazar) to H.R. 4664: To prohibit funds from being used to prohibit funds from being used to produce official documents containing the term "latinx" or "latin-x.". |
Aye | Agreed to |
11/8/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 713 (Rosendale) to H.R. 4664: To prohibit funds from being used for the Office of Gun Violence Prevention. |
No | Failed |
11/8/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 712 (Rosendale) to H.R. 4664: To reduce funding to the Consumer Product Safety Commission by 50%. |
No | Failed |
11/8/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 709 (Ogles) to H.R. 4664: To prohibit funds to finalize the Federal Labor Relations Authority's proposed rule entitled "Miscellaneous and General Requirements" (87 Fed. Reg. 78014) which would restrict federal employees' ability to opt out of mem |
No | Failed |
11/8/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 707 (Ogles) to H.R. 4664: To prohibit funds from being used to finalize, implement, or enforce the proposed rule titled "Upholding Civil Service Protections and Merit System Principles.". |
No | Failed |
11/8/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 691 (Harshbarger) to H.R. 4664: To prohibit funding for the White House Gender Policy Council. |
No | Failed |
11/8/23 |
On the Amendment in the House H.Amdt. 687 (Gaetz) to H.R. 4664: To prohibit funds from being used for the acquisition of property for a new Federal Bureau of Investigation headquarters. |
No | Failed |