WASHINGTON, DC – Today, bipartisan legislation led by Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01) and Congressman Jared Golden (ME-02) passed unanimously out of the House Committee on Administration. The Stop Foreign Funds in Elections Act will prohibit contributions and donations by foreign nationals in American elections.

“I am incredibly grateful to Chairman Steil and the Committee on House Administration for moving this bipartisan bill forward today,” said Congressman Fitzpatrick. “Foreign adversaries have no business influencing American elections on the local, state, or federal level. Our bipartisan legislation will ensure that foreign agents and entities are prohibited from contributing to campaigns for ballot initiatives or referenda in the United States. As this bill further advances to the House Floor, I encourage my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support this commonsense election security measure."

“Foreign money has no place in America’s elections,” said Congressman Golden. “With passage through the House Administration Committee today, we’re one important step closer to keeping our elections in the hands of Americans and getting this common-sense, bipartisan legislation signed into law.”

Read the text of the bill HERE.
