WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01), alongside Congressmen Steve Cohen (TN-09) and Vern Buchanan (FL-16) and Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (IL-09) have introduced the Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act—a bipartisan bill to ban the harmful practice of “soring” horses. This legislation, endorsed by the Humane World Action Fund, aims to strengthen protections for horses and eliminate loopholes that have allowed this inhumane treatment to persist.
“Horse soring is a vile and inhumane practice that must be prohibited,” said Congressman Fitzpatrick. “As Co-Chair of the Animal Protection Caucus, I am proud to champion the PAST Act to protect horses and end this cruelty once and for all.”
Horse soring—a painful and deliberate act of inflicting chemical or mechanical injuries on horses' legs and hooves to force an exaggerated gait—has been used for decades in the Tennessee Walking Horse, Spotted Saddle, and Racking Horse industries. Despite existing regulations, the practice persists due to lax enforcement and industry resistance. The PAST Act would strengthen protections by closing regulatory loopholes, increasing penalties, and ensuring independent inspections.
“The PAST Act would shut down the cruel practice of horse soring, a horrendous practice that horse trainers have used in the Tennessee Walking Horse industry, Spotted Saddle and Racking Horse shows. The Big Lick is painful and wrong, and I’m proud to have led the fight to end it. We’ve been joined by a huge coalition of bipartisan members who all want to see this practice ended once and for all. Enough is enough. It’s time to get this bill passed and protect these precious animals from abuse,” said Congressman Steve Cohen, longtime member of the Congressional Animal Protection Caucus.
“The practice of horse ‘soring’ is nothing less than animal torture,” said Congressman Buchanan. “As the co-chair of the Animal Protection Caucus, I am pleased to back this legislation to end this inhumane practice. Anyone who abuses horses in this manner should be held accountable.”
“For decades, perpetrators of horse soring have asserted that they know best when inspecting horses for their own shows. We know better. That's why we support the PAST Act to bring an end to this despicable cruelty. Only a small segment of the horse show world insists on perpetuating this torture and has fought hard to block these necessary reforms,” said Sara Amundson, president of Humane World Action Fund. “We are thankful our champions, Representatives Fitzpatrick, Cohen, Buchanan, and Schakowsky, have rallied well over a third of the House to reintroduce this bill with tremendous bipartisan support. By enacting the PAST Act, we can consign this callous and shameful abuse to the dustbin of equine history where it sorely belongs."
“As a longtime advocate for eliminating the cruel practice of horse soring, the AVMA strongly endorses the Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act,” said American Veterinary Medical Association President Dr. Sandra Faeh. “The proposed legislation is essential to improving the welfare of our country’s horses, maintaining their safety, and bringing a permanent end to the inhumane act of horse soring. We look forward to working with Congress on this important and pressing animal welfare issue.”
The PAST Act represents a bipartisan effort to end one of the most egregious forms of animal cruelty in the equestrian world. With overwhelming public and congressional support, the time to act is now.
Read the text of the bill here.