WASHINGTON, DC Today, Congressional Ukraine Caucus Co-Chairs Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1) and Representative Mike Quigley (IL-5) announced they have introduced the Protecting Our Guests During Hostilities in Ukraine Act, a bipartisan, bicameral bill that grants temporary guest status to Ukrainians who arrived in the United States through the Uniting for Ukraine parole program. This vital measure ensures that Ukrainians already in the U.S. can continue to live and work legally until it is safe for them to return home—providing stability and security for Ukrainian refugees, the large majority of whom are women and children, as Russia’s brutal war persists.

The Senate companion bill was introduced by Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), Co-Chair of the Senate Ukraine Caucus, and Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK).

Key Provisions of the Protecting Our Guests During Hostilities in Ukraine Act:

  • Grants "temporary guest status" to all individuals paroled under the Uniting for Ukraine program.
  • Provides automatic work authorization for the duration of their stay.
  • Ensures protections remain in place until the State Department certifies Ukraine is safe for return.
  • Includes stringent national security safeguards—all individuals covered by this bill have already undergone rigorous vetting to confirm they present no criminal or public safety risks, and DHS retains the authority to revoke status if new concerns arise.

“Three years ago, Vladimir Putin launched an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine—an attack not just on a sovereign nation, but on democracy, global stability, and the very principles of a free world. His war has been defined by atrocities, civilian massacres, and blatant disregard for international law. Forcing those who fled his brutality back into a war zone would be a moral and strategic failure. This bipartisan, bicameral legislation ensures America’s commitment to Ukraine is not just words, but action. We must stand firm with our allies, defend democracy against tyranny, and uphold our responsibility to protect those seeking safety from Putin’s reign of terror.” said Rep. Fitzpatrick.

“For three years, Putin’s regime has terrorized the citizens of Ukraine by bombing hospitals, kidnapping children, and committing a host of atrocities. Nations across the world - including the United States - offered Ukrainians safety as they fled Putin’s horrors. Now, that security is in question. The Trump administration’s decision to revoke protective status for the 240,000 Ukrainians on our shores is cruel. As the war rages on in Ukraine, the U.S. has a responsibility to uphold the promises we’ve made. I am proud to co-lead this legislation with my fellow Congressional Ukraine Caucus Co-Chair to ensure that Ukrainians seeking refuge in the United States are able to remain here until the war is over and they can safely return to their homes in Ukraine,” said Rep. Quigley.

As Ukraine continues to resist Russia’s onslaught, this bipartisan, bicameral effort reaffirms that the United States stands firmly against tyranny and in defense of those who fight for their freedom. This legislation reinforces that America does not just speak about freedom—it takes action to defend it.

The following organizations endorsed the Protecting our Guests During Hostilities in Ukraine Act: Refugee Council USA; Chin Association of Maryland; HIAS; World Relief; Center for Gender & Refugee Studies; Human Rights First; Church World Service; International Refugee Assistance Project; Global Refuge; Boat People SOS; Center for Victims of Torture; Jesuit Refugee Service; and Veterans for American Ideals.

The full bill text can be read here. 
