WASHINGTON, DC — Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1) and Congressman Eugene Vindman (VA-7) are taking a stand for accountability in Washington with the introduction of the bipartisan No Pay for Congress During Default or Shutdown Act—a hardline measure ensuring lawmakers don’t get paid if they fail to do their jobs.
“Leadership requires accountability. If Congress fails to fulfill its most basic duty — keeping the government running — then lawmakers shouldn’t collect a paycheck. Such fiscal incompetence would not be allowed in any workplace in America. We should not be rewarding the same behavior in the United States Congress. Our bipartisan bill is simple: no budget, no pay. It’s time to restore trust, responsibility, and integrity in Washington,” said Fitzpatrick.
“The federal workers I represent know firsthand the disruptions and uncertainty that come when lawmakers fail to govern responsibly. Hardworking Americans understand that if you don't do your job, you don't get paid — and Congress should be no different,” said Vindman. “I’m proud to work with Congressman Fitzpatrick on this bipartisan, commonsense bill that would encourage real cooperation, prevent last-minute crises, and ensure that lawmakers are putting the American people first.”
Specifically, the No Pay for Congress During Default or Shutdown Act mandates that if Congress allows the federal government to hit the debt ceiling or shut down due to a funding lapse, lawmakers' salaries will be immediately and automatically withheld—for every single day Washington fails to govern responsibly. No exceptions, no delays, and no back pay. Under this legislation, congressional payroll administrators will be legally required to freeze lawmakers' paychecks the moment a shutdown or default begins, ensuring that those responsible for the dysfunction feel the consequences firsthand.
Click here for bill text.